
Burgess' Modern Day Warrior News
MARCH 31, 2018 - Thoughts from Sensei Lee

As a martial arts school owner, a Sensei(teacher) and an MMA coach, I have to say that I am loving what I am seeing from everyone at my school; from the awesome karate students and their families to our awesome Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) and MMA fighters and coaches. The energy at the school is at an all-time high and we are building all the programs we offer!! This is going to be our biggest year yet, in both karate and BJJ/MMA, not that the previous 6 years haven't been great, because they have been... Very proud of our school family!!

MARCH 13 TO MARCH 15, 2018 Spring Break Camp, Spring Hill, Florida

Spring break martial arts training camp 2018 is a wrap.....Great job to all students that participated in the camp. Lots of hard work and sweat over the last 3 days as well as a lot of fun too train in karate, judo, jiu-jitsu, weapons, breaking, self-defense, sparring, kendo......See you guys for summer camp 2018 in June........Sensei Lee!!

MARCH 10, 2018 in Kissimmee Florida

It was a great day for the Modern Day Warriors Competition Team. We placed in 10 out of 12 events, earning 4 Firsts, 5 Seconds and 1 Third. Gauge Downs placed 1st in Weapons and 2nd in Continuous Sparring and Kata. Robert Allbee placed 2nd in both Point and Continuous Sparring and 3rd in Weapons. Cristo Rodriguez placed 1st in Weapons, Point and Continuous Sparring, and 2nd in Kata. Their growth and improvement between tournaments have been amazing. Congratulations Warriors!!!

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