
Krav Maga is a simple modern martial art, direct and effective for all and against all  types of aggression. This self-defense system will give you physical fitness and psychological mastery while learning to analyze your direct environment.


The krav maga uses strikes and manipulations on sensitive areas of the human body  to achieve the mastery of an aggressor regardless of their size or build.

Founder and Grand Master
Florent Tron

SELF DEFENSE Black Belt 6th Degree

- Black Belt 6 th dan KEMPO (Okinawa Japan)

-Krav Maga 8th degree black belt (Israel)

-Chef instructor CLOSE COMBAT (USA)

-Chef Instructor intervention groups

-Chef Instructor Bodyguards

-Chef Special Forces Instructor

- Secret defense ability

Daniel Lapointe

Since the age of 7, Daniel Lapointe began his evolution in the martial arts. He started as karateka under the Yoseikan Karate-Do federation for 2 years where he acquired an orange belt. Unfortunately, the traditional side of karate does not interest him, so he turns to another discipline that is kickboxing.


Japanese kickboxing

After karate, Japanese kickboxing is now his goal. He completes 12 consecutive years to more than 20 hours per week of training. He sneaks among the best military fighters in his weight class at Barrie, Ontario, Canada in 1998.

Jeet Kune Do

Not being a failure, Daniel turns to Jeet Kune Do, a Chinese martial art whose founder is Bruce Lee. For a little over three years, he learned the basics of art with more realistic techniques than evasive. It is during this period that he traces his martial destiny towards realism.

Paramilitary courts

A military officer from 1997 to 2007, Daniel Lapointe attended several unarmed combat courses and became an instructor thereafter in the Canadian Armed Forces. This period of learning in defense and attack against actual armed aggression standing and ground refines its approach in this area.

OEM Kickboxing

Daniel Lapointe wants to re-establish the Japanese kickboxing program that once fascinated him. According to him, this Americanized discipline currently lacks a fundamental and traditional principle within it. It then forms an ambitious program and reintegrates the belt gradation system to help students' progress and motivation. This discipline is also taught at Underground Gym at present.

Honabu MMA

In 2003, Daniel Lapointe was wounded during his military duties. During his recovery, which lasted about six years, Daniel reworked his martial work plan and his combat program that he had already begun several years ago. Nowadays, the program aiming at useless and inefficient defensive and offensive forms is suppressed both in real situation and in sporting combat.


This program formerly called "Chinese Street Fighting" will now be named Honabu MMA. The new program combines defensive and ground attack techniques and standing up in a simple, direct and efficient way. He has the privilege of testing his brand new program with law enforcement, military and professional fighters. It was a great success. Honabu MMA is born.

Japanese Jiu Jitsu

Sensei Christian Langelier invites Daniel Lapointe to come visit the Yoseikan Jiu Jitsu issue to set foot on the tatami. Mr. Lapointe accepts the invitation and since then has accomplished 3 years in this wonderful team. Daniel Lapointe reaches the rank of black belt in the spring of 2017.

Krav Maga

Daniel was trained as a Krav Maga SDK instructor by Mr. Florent Tron from Europe. Almost 70 hours in duration, everything that has been created over time finally makes sense and confirms that the efforts to create the MMA program had not been unsuccessful. He completed the training successfully and officially opened the Krav Maga SDK School in Quebec City.

Daniel Lapointe wants to go further and he attends a 50-hour police instructor training course over 5 days.

On June 3, 2018 he obtains the black belt in SDK Krav Maga, after an intensive training of 2 years.

  • 11076 Boulevard Valcartier, Ville de Québec, QC G2A 2M3, Canada

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