Hi, my name is Becky. I own and operate a health and fitness business aimed at providing sound leadership, expertise and guidance for safely achieving optimal health through applying the latest fitness techniques. I hold a masters of science in education with an emphasis in exercise science from the University of Kansas and am a certified strength and conditioning specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. I'm also a certified practitioner of Yamuna Body Rolling, a unique, cutting-edge form of therapeutic self soft-tissue release. In 12 years, I have accumulated more than 20,000 hours training clients on land, in water and on a ball.
I participated in a variety of sports throughout youth, including 14 years of basketball. I have a B.A. in Journalism/PR from Washburn University, where I earned a full athletic scholarship. I have extensive writing experience with articles appearing in a variety of publications and mediums. She currently writes for Lawrence Magazine and Executive Life. Hobbies include cooking, gardening, working out, hiking and biking.
Personal Trainer Louisville KY
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