About Me

Hello! My name is Jessica. I have been in the world of fitness for going on 6 years now. When I began this journey, I was like a lost little puppy trying to find her way. Though I was never extremely overweight, I had gained about 30lbs ( which for a girl only 5’3” really makes a difference!). One day I was trying on clothes that had fit the year prior. Nothing was fitting and nothing looked right. I cried and cried some more. I felt disgusting and totally defeated. Then when I finally got done with my pity party, I decided crying and feeling sorry for myself wasn’t going to do me any good nor was it going to make any changes. So I started into my fitness journey. I had zero clue what I was doing or what needed to be done.. I spent hours on end doing cardio and a tiny bit of weight training- however, I did not know one single thing about lifting weights- so I stuck to what I knew I couldn’t “mess up” which were the cardio machines.

Then slowly, as weight was starting to come off, I was feeling a little more confident and, dare I say, even EXCITED to go to the gym! I started doing my research on what kind of lifting exercises I could do. I would watch videos, then perform the exercise. I took videos of myself (as well as pictures to watch my progression) and it has been fascinating to see how far I have come from those videos (where I was clearly not doing it correctly) to now. Lots of trial and error has gone into my training. I’ve learned so much and what I want to do is help others learn what they need to do and gain the confidence in themselves and their body that they deserve! You deserve to feel sexy! You deserve to feel empowered! You deserve to feel desired! I know weight lifting has changed my life and gives me that feeling of confidence like never before. I would love to show you how you can have that feeling as well :)
Personal Trainer Lubbock TX

What to Expect

I promise not to kill you.... maybe. (Kidding, mostly lol) But I guarantee that you will leave our session with new knowledge and confidence of what to do in the gym other than just cardio machines. I know how scary it can be to walk up to some weights without a clue of what to do with everyone around you seemingly pros in weight lifting... I will knock that fear right out of you, my friend. Do not worry about what they all think because I promise you, they all started somewhere just like you. They were not always “all knowledgeable” in all things weight lifting.

  • 4124 19th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79407, United States of America

I Speak Fluently in These Languanges
  • English
How Many Years Have You Been Training?


How Many Years Have You Been a Personal Trainer?


Preferred Skills Level

First Timers, Those with some experience, Athletes and those serious about training

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