
Basic principles of combat horticulture philosophy

Defining the philosophical aspects of the Ukrainian national sport of horticulture as a martial art is based on an awareness of the world and its principles through self-improvement and education, creative search and discovery of one's personal talents, training of one's body and mind not only for its own benefit, even in its most beautiful expression and, most importantly, to become useful to Ukrainian society and the state, to the people who live around, in order to make the world around you harmonious and perfect, to add to the development of society with their unique personal contributions, and in the general sense of the matter, to become a harmonious positive personality, living in harmony with nature and their inner world.

In the general sense, horting is regarded as a mixed martial arts sport, where all techniques are allowed, a full-contact version of mixed martial arts, a set of skills to defeat an opponent in a competitive duel. Sincere understanding of this martial art is much broader, and combat skills are only a small part of it. Horting is a way of life , a special look at the surrounding reality and a primary task, which is to educate a spiritual person, to create a rich inner world. Only through the attainment of inner harmony can a person direct his life energy towards the goal.

First of all, a horting athlete learns to manage himself, his emotions and desires, intentions and actions. Such an athlete can be considered a warrior, he is always responsible for his decisions and actions. Impatience, the search for easy ways, the achievement of the goal at any cost are not peculiar to a warrior. The first and hardest victory for a future warrior is to win over himself. Physical strength is not the main characteristic of a warrior, age and health are not in control of his spiritual state, he is not distant sense of fear, however, he enjoys his ability to direct this feeling in the right direction, his ability to mobilize all the resources of his body to solve the set task, he first of all cares about the feasibility of using brute force, and then the way to use this force. Realistic assessment of your abilities, which are well above the average person's abilities, allow him or her to evaluate the situation coldly and make the right decisions in critical situations. The ability to use brute force will combine with the desire to avoid such use.

Horting athlete, is able to use any situation for his own purposes and to be a winner in a duel even in losing situations. Any defeat for him is another step in achieving his goal - to gain experience, evaluate the enemy, temporarily calm the enemy. Despite the optional physical superiority of the enemy, he cannot be weak to win as a warrior. Only by surpassing an opponent in one of several components: strength, skill, cunning, dexterity, stamina and, finally, just the desire to win, can he win.

Continuous training and rigorous discipline in the gym horting certainly brings to the athletes a sense of control and tension, the need to give all their inner strength to understand the techniques of techniques and the philosophical content of martial arts horting. But with the accumulation of training and competitive experience of athletes, the coach has an even greater responsibility for how each member of the club or horticulture team will apply the combat knowledge and skills. The process of transferring knowledge about the usefulness of life and human values ​​causes the trainer to communicate closely with the students. For fruitful education of moral and consolidation of volitional qualities the trainer needs to spend more often   educational conversations, briefings, explanations of not only techniques of techniques, but also psychological and philosophical aspects of martial arts. In this sense, the coach should ask the students the question: is this all good? Direct psychologically and orient students in the philosophical direction of horting. Having received the initial information and direction, a qualified athlete will be able to properly navigate the issues of self-education, to direct themselves to good and decent deeds during the life outside the gym, in communication with any environment.

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