About Me

CrossFit Level-1; BirthFit Level-1 (pre- and post-partum fitness); OPEX PP certified; Co-creator of WODwell (online fitness platform). Mother of 3 and lifelong athlete: 6 sports in high school and remained competitive through college, career, and parenthood. Found CrossFit in 2012. Competing since 2013, training others since 2017.

What to Expect

Personalized workouts (2-5 per week). Scaling options & movement tips for each workout. Pre-workout intent, tips, and strategy. Warm-ups and cool-downs. Personalized in-app feedback on your workouts and opportunities for improvement. Twice-monthly email check-ins. Free TrueCoach mobile app account.

  • 44 Newburg Street, San Francisco, California 94131, United States of America

I Speak Fluently in These Languanges
  • English
How Many Years Have You Been Training?


How Many Years Have You Been a Personal Trainer?


Preferred Skills Level

First Timers, Those with some experience, Athletes and those serious about training

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