About Me

Hello! My name is Olga: speaker, trainer, Army veteran, lover of life and wellness consultant. I have been involved in Fitness since I was 13 years old, and have been a trainer since 1997. I developed my methods as a result of conditions such as Fybromyalgia, stress, arthritis, depression, PTSD and other inherited conditions, all of which are in remission as a result of my integrated approach. My training experience includes: Army physical training, post-partum success, fitness for mental health, fitness wealth, Corporate Fitness and Executive Fitness Coaching. As I have grown older, I have learned that my health is my wealth ... and it is often the reason for family and professional success. Entire families and companies could THRIVE, if only they knew the impact that health has in life.
Personal Trainer Houston TX

What to Expect

In my training sessions the goal is to not only address the needs of the body, but also the INTENTION of the mind and how it relates to the body. GRATITUDE is the main principle of my training. COMMITMENT would be the next one, and FAITH would be third. Everything else varies from individual to individual. I believe in the healing power of foods, and in the body's tendencies of honoring that power.

  • 1100 Caroline Street, Houston, Texas 77002, United States of America

I Speak Fluently in These Languanges
  • English
How Many Years Have You Been Training?


How Many Years Have You Been a Personal Trainer?


Preferred Skills Level

First Timers, Those with some experience, Athletes and those serious about training

My Certifications

ISSA Certified, NASM Certified

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