About Me

Hi, my name is Sarah. I am an avid fitness professional, mom, and triathlete. On the weekends, I can be found hiking the trails of North Carolina, training for my next marathon or triathlon, or relaxing at my kids' soccer games. I am passionate about fitness and wellness, using it to overcome my own chronic illness. When I started my exercise program, I was on oxygen and in a wheelchair. Now I run a minimum of 5 miles and/or cross train every single day. I still have a chronic illness, but it doesn't have me.
Personal Trainer Mint Hill NC

What to Expect

NASM-certified trainers begin with a lifestyle, movement, and posture assessment. For advanced clients, depending on goals, additional strength and agility assessments will occur. It is important to understand any muscle imbalances/weaknesses before designing your training program to ensure neuromuscular efficiency and to prevent injury. After the initial assessment, a comprehensive workout program is designed for the client. The trainer reviews each workout with the client to ensure understanding and proper carry-out of all movements in each of the exercises. The trainer will work with the client at each session to resolve any challenges and ensure success going forward.

I Speak Fluently in These Languanges
  • English
How Many Years Have You Been Training?


How Many Years Have You Been a Personal Trainer?


Preferred Skills Level

First Timers, Those with some experience, Athletes and those serious about training

My Certifications

NASM Certified

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