About Me

My journey was completely unexpected. Originally I was in school pursing a finance degree. I wanted to go into corporate finance and eventually wealth management. I was working as an office administration at a CPA firm at that time until I got laid off that spring. After searching endlessly for a job for months I began to grow increasingly frustrated with stagnancy. I Simply couldn't find a position anywhere. I gained about 20 pounds over a short time period and I felt lost. The gym became my outlet when so many other things seemed to be going wrong in my life at that time. I didn't know anything about training or nutrition; and I couldn't afford a personal trainer. I started taking classes: I paired body pump and rpm together and over a short time the weight started to come off. Once the progress slowed down I started doing a lot of research on nutrition and I played around with different approaches. I wrote out my first meal plan and my first workout split back in 2012 for myself. I tracked my meals, I kept a journal with my workouts and my cardio and I pushed myself. I made it work with what I had. I really started to gain a passion and a love for fitness and nutrition and how it related to the body. I wanted to learn. I decided to start the process of getting certified as a personal trainer. So I registered through Smart Fitness, took my exam and I was officially certified in November of 2013. I threw myself into work - researching, talking to seasoned trainers and trying to make a way and name for myself in a big pond. Over time I got better - I strived to be my best.

I love a good challenge, So In 2015 I decided to take my training to another level by prepping for my first bikini competition. Competing pushed me into another realm of training. It opened my mind more and allowed me to see just how much training AND nutrition coincide. They go hand in hand. You'll make temporary progress yes, but without the proper pairing of both your success will be short lived. That was a key take away for me. Prepping for a show changed up my mindset and my outlook on life in general. I have competed a couple of times but my true passion comes from and has always come from helping people reach their goals. Watching a client do something that they once could not really moves me. It pushes me to be better just as it pushes them to be better! I have experienced first hand just the effects of a healthy lifestyle lead by proper exercise and nutrition that goes beyond what you see! I know there is a need for this all over the world for people that struggle with things such as following through, self love, low self esteem, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and even those that are in great shape that just want to continue challenging their bodies and minds. Fitness is not linear!! There is always something to work on and that what I love so much about this business. You can set a goal, crush it, set another goal - the cycle can continue!! So for me this has got to be one of the most rewarding careers out there. I love what I do and simply put I am passionate and fired up about this business and I want to pass that along as often as I can.

What to Expect

All one on one sessions include a full hour with me. Your program includes nutritional advice/guidance (we will go over your nutrition, and together come up with a sustainable plan that works for you and your lifestyle). Your program also includes strength and training workouts as well as your cardio protocol so that you can focus on consistency weekly on the days you do not see me; bi weekly check ins with weight and measurement assessments, progress pictures, and goal reassessments. I will make adjustments and or changes to your program based off progress after each check in. Each program is tailored specifically to YOU. This industry has taught me that all of us are different and have specific needs. I have worked in the fitness industry for a little over 7 years now & I am certified through action. My main objective is helping my clients find balance in their busy lifestyles through fitness and nutrition. My focus is strength and circuit training; functional training, cardio and conditioning, as well as nutrition. *$25 consultation fee I am at an independent personal training studio - Pro Source in Raleigh, NC seeking motivated individuals that are looking to get in shape from the inside out,. My goal is to help you lose weight while gaining a positive sense of commitment and confidence in the gym and in your daily routine.

  • 6503 Hilburn Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina 27613, United States of America

I Speak Fluently in These Languanges
  • English
How Many Years Have You Been Training?


How Many Years Have You Been a Personal Trainer?


Preferred Skills Level

First Timers, Those with some experience, Athletes and those serious about training

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