
Enjoy MMA regardless of age or gender
During the PRIDE era, Japan was exposed to mixed martial arts(MMA). MMA quickly took off and currently it is extremely popular all across the globe. Now, MMA has grown to the status of being a sport and many have accepted it into their fitness routines.
The sport of MMA differs from other sports by strengthening the body as a whole rather than your individual muscles. The situations that occur in MMA require your muscles to function as one, which will strengthen your body in a balanced way. We as instructors will guide you through these exercises in a safe manner so they will not affect your personal life. Our goal is to share the benefits of mixed martial arts to as people as we can. If you are seeking more challenges, seeking better health, or seeking to become stronger, it is never too late to start. Feel free to drop by. We feel strongly that you will feel yourself improving with every workout.
We also provide programs for those who want to pursue a career as an MMA fighter. MMA is not an easy profession but we are very open to help those who are serious about taking on this challenge.





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