
ncredible 30-Day FREE Trial Offer! Call Us Now (480-924-1545)

You’ll be able to “test drive” our Martial Arts program for a full 30 days free with absolutely no obligation. The choice is ultimately yours, but through our experiences we’ve found that after people see the value we provide to our students, they end up joining before the end of the “trial” period… but no matter what, you’ll get 30 FREE days of training here, guaranteed.

Plus… we’ve taken away any kind of “risk” you might feel about giving us a try…


“No other Martial Arts school in the area is offering this much value!”
It’ll be drop-dead simple for you to find out if our program is for you.

When you come visit us, along with our 30-Day Free Trial Program, you’ll get 1 free private lesson with one of our highly trained instructors… you’ll get to participate in an introductory class... you’ll get a tour of the academy along with a free student conference with one of our program counselors.

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