About Me

Hi, my name is Daniel. I focus on reducing body fat through nutrition and lifestyle changes. I will educate you on what works and what does not work and set realistic goals for you. Most people sign up and fail, it's true, because they want a six pack but don't understand the commitment and suffering that it will take. What I can offer you is the best you for what you are willing to put in. I can help you reduce your blood pressure, reduce your heart rate, make your heart and pulmonary system stronger, make your bones stronger and reduce risk of osteoporosis. I can help you reverse type 2 diabetes, gain muscle mass for bigger guns and yes, if you can follow the diet correctly and get enough sleep, I can get you that six pack. If you are an MMA fighter I can help you get conditioned in the best shape of your life for your match. Remember, I can only do what YOU are willing to do.

We will talk about good pain and bad pain. Good pain we work through, bad pain we cease immediately and modify what we do so you are not injuring yourself. Beyond that I promise you, I will push you past what you thought you could do, crying is OK, whining is OK, whimpering is OK, sweating is OK, bleeding is OK, puking is OK, quitting IS NOT AN OPTION! I will kick your ****ing @$$ and you will thank me for making you a stronger, tougher, more resilient you!

What to Expect

Warm up to ensure no injuries Weight training with body weights and some free weights Lots of sweating Depending on goals more or less cardio to strength training Stretching to make sure we keep loose

  • 14755 Southwest Teal Boulevard, Beaverton, Oregon 97007, United States of America

I Speak Fluently in These Languanges
  • English
How Many Years Have You Been Training?


How Many Years Have You Been a Personal Trainer?


Preferred Skills Level

First Timers, Those with some experience, Athletes and those serious about training

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