Hello, my name is Dr. Phil Nicolau! In high school I was very athletic but fell into a sedentary lifestyle once I attended college. Then one day, I had a physical exam with my long-time primary care physician and he said for someone my age and height, my BMI (body mass index), which is the measure of your body weight for your height/size frame, was not good. He told me that if I continued down that path, I stood a good chance of developing various diseases that are caused by being VERY overweight, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, among others. This was a wake up call for me. The next week, not knowing ANYTHING about exercise or dieting, I decided to join a local gym. I went religiously, but had no clue what I was doing. I didn’t know that muscles need time to recover and that they grew at rest, not at the gym. But I didn’t know any better. Until one day, at the front desk of the gym, I came across a business card for a personal trainer who was a contractor who I ended up working with. He prescribed proper cardio workout for me to do, monitored my food intake and monitored my weight exercises. In several months, I went from having 38% to 15% body fat. Then came the big question. He asked me, “Did you ever think of doing this, becoming a personal trainer?” I asked him, what makes you think I can do this? He said, first of all, you have a tremendous amount of patience. Patience like yours is rare! You genuinely care about people, retain and learn fast and are a really good-hearted guy! Anyone that would train with you in the future would love your personality. I decided to follow through with his advice and get certified through a company founded by Dr. John Spencer Ellis called NESTA. Shortly thereafter, I got a weekend job working at a country club as an exercise assistant. Not quite a trainer, but it was a good starting point. Later on, I managed to obtain over 10 more certifications ranging from nutrition to yoga, pilates, core conditioning and post-rehab. So when we work together, you can trust that I DO HAVE the KNOWLEDGE and expertise to help you! Since then, I realized that it is my calling to help people achieve life changing results through proven science! Let me help you learn what I’ve learned through NESTA, the IFPA and through daily experience over the past 10 years. Let me help you see that you can change your life and to live a happier, healthier and longer life. Let me be your guide to complete wellness! Let me be your mentor to make your transition!
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