About Me

Hi, my name is Marc. My focus is on your individual development with your health and fitness. I have been a personal trainer for over 30 years, and I have my very own gym and equipment. Ranging from the endless pool swim machine, free weights, weight machines, and treadmills, I cater to my clients individual needs and offer a free first session to new clients.
Personal Trainer Carlisle PA

What to Expect

Since I have a lot of equipment at my facility, it really depends on the client's goals. I can train clients on weight machines, in an endless pool swim machine, on running machines, or rehabilitative work and stretching.

  • 37 West Pomfret Street, Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013, United States of America

I Speak Fluently in These Languanges
  • English
How Many Years Have You Been Training?


How Many Years Have You Been a Personal Trainer?


Preferred Skills Level

First Timers, Those with some experience, Athletes and those serious about training

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